Are You Hosting a Family Day? Here’s a Look at the Best Themes for Your Corporate Family Fun Day

A company get-together is a definite way to give your employees a day of fun and show them that you appreciate their hard work. But if you’re planning one, you may know very well that the theme you choose will matter. After all, you wouldn’t want your employees to get stuck in an event that doesn’t spark any joy where all they can think about is when they can finally go home! So if you’re hosting such an event and would like nothing more than a corporate family affair to remember, here’s a look at the best themes for your corporate family fun day.

  • A classic and traditional barbecue

We all love the smell of grilled meat wafting through the air, and a classic and traditional barbecue may be just the thing to give your employees a day where they can chill and hang out together in a great setting. The theme is very casual, so employees can dress down and spend the day enjoying the food and playing games and other activities. It’s a good chance for people to network as well, and they can let their guard down without any worries. You can hold the event in a park or field (which is also budget-friendly), and you can opt for oversized tents, balloons, picnic tables, and other barbecue-themed décor (checkered tablecloths are a must!). When it comes to food, you don’t have to overdo it, either – burgers, sausages, potato salad, garden salads, and pasta can satisfy everyone’s palate. For games, you can set up classic field games like touch football, relay races, and tug-of-war.

  • A fairground or funfair party

There’s nothing more memorable than a fairground or funfair party, and it’s a theme that’s suitable for everyone. Both adults and children will love it, and you don’t have to do much with the planning because the theme will speak for itself! It’s a breeze to plan between the rides, games, performers, décor, and activities because the theme already predetermines everything. For this theme, you could choose to work with a fairground hire company, such as, and they can present you with more than a few options – from inflatable bouncy castles to classic rides and side stalls and even food. Food options are also simple but oh-so-satisfying and nostalgic. If you want to jazz it up a bit, you can choose to serve fresh fruits in cups or sticks and hot dogs with various spiced condiments along with familiar favourites like popcorn and candy floss.

  • A Spring Festival

If your event won’t be until next year, why not host a spring festival? There’s no better way to welcome the spring (and the official second quarter) than by having a spring-themed corporate family day. For this, you can serve in-season fare, like lots of vegetable dishes and salads, pasta, and fresh hoers oeuvres, and keep the beverages light with white wine, lemonade, and beer. If you’re setting the event outdoors, you can even plan a group hiking activity or other outdoor games and entertainment. Of course, the setting can be varied as well – you can go for the manicured lawn of a manor house or estate, a botanical garden, or a farm with a barn.

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